Welcome to close third.

Telling stories about art and culture to honor the past and cultivate community.

Built from the Fire: A Talking Book

“The scars are there, but the city is impudent and noisy. It believes in itself.”

Trialogues: Tatsuya Nakatani

 Call Tatsuya a percussionist, a sculptor of sound, an enigmatic and amiable traveler of the long road.

close encounters, Vol. 3: Jonathan Michael 

Jonathan resists the notion that a watched seed will never grow.

close encounters, Vol. 2: Demetrix

Demetrix combines the metaphysical and the mundane, the unique and the universal.

close encounters,

Vol. 1: Jamillah Bell

Jamillah’s creative journey has put her in the middle of many dualities.

Art is About Finding Questions, Not Answers

Winfred Hawkins on self-expression, dyslexia, and the art world’s relatability problem.


The Story

So Far:

A Statement of Purpose